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cultural, non religious Private membership association 

ForeFathers' Vision

Bringing Ancient Wisdom to the Modern Day

Bridging Global Communities, One Family at A Time

For centuries gone and to come, humans have and will continue to strive to find a connection to the source that sustains them. In many of the traditions that our Forefathers left us have very specific ways to form this sought after connection which includes the development of Self.  Our Ancestors have left many written and oral traditions to explain these connections.  In many of these traditions there are stories expressed that our Ancestors have left to build strong individuals which in turn led to strong families, communities, tribes, nations, societies.

“Those who live today will die tomorrow, those who die tomorrow will be born again; Those who live MAAT will not die” 

-Egyptian Proverb

Forefathers’ Vision

Everyone has their own respective roads, and on these roads we cross paths with many different people and things. As we heal on our journey to fulfilling our destiny we each have a role to play in the progression of life. There were many different tribes and nations that lived side by side until something happened. Today the things that have happened have caused many to seek to regain the self that they feel is the self that The Most High has decreed for them. A life filled with health, joy, comfort, prosperity, and good things.  As we network and nation build we aim to teach, learn and bring back our forefathers ways of healing and how we overcome physical, spiritual and financial problems.

As we continue the healing process of breaking free from the traumas of the past we aim to build a network of self-sufficient and self-sustaining communities.

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life

 as by the obstacles which he has overcome”

-Booker T Washington

Remember the Lessons of Yesterday, In hopes of a better tomorrow

Our ancestors left stories and examples of how to live. Stories that convey principles that when applied will aid one to living a good life, full life, on their road to fulfilling their destiny.

We believe that when striving to live and apply these set principles we are able to build better individuals, families, communities, and so on for generations.

Live The Medicine, Stay calm, remember to breath

We believe in living the medicine remembering the lessons of yesterday with hopes of a better tomorrow. Ultimately leaving the part of the world we touch better than how we found it.

Forefathers Wisdom, Principles to live by

Our Forefathers left us many things. One of the most valued is the wisdom and examples of right living that leads to the development of self through enlightenment and alignment. As there are many nations and tribes there are many set principles that convey a message that overcame petty differences that may have risen amongst the different towns and settlements. One such example is the wisdom passed down that says we are to walk and strive to exemplify composure, respect, patience, caution, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and as in doing we live a good life which leads to a good death and is life everlasting.

Examples of principles to live by

Nguzo Saba: Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self determination), Ujima (Collective work and responsibility), Ujamaa (cooperative economics), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), Imani (Faith).

The principles of Maat: Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity, Propriety 

Self Sustaining, Our God Given Right

We believe that each one of us has a personal destiny and gifts from God that they have been birthed with. By learning the ways of our forefathers we are able to better understand those gifts as we fulfill our destiny. 

In the learning, teaching, and practicing the ways of our forefathers we form a greater understanding of life and connection with The Most High. We believe that having this understanding we are able to network to help in the development of self which builds stronger men, women, families, tribes, communities, nations.  

It is our mission to build, maintain and help to build and maintain self-sufficient and self-sustaining communities for our members and their individual, personal, or family networks.

We define a self-sustaining community as one that is able to or working to provide found clothing shelter, health care education and security for oneself, family, and village for generations.

ForeFathers’ Vision Ministries, Faith Nature Ancestral

ForeFathers’ Vision Ministry is a non religious faith based group with constitutional protections, created by God, and under God’s Authority. It is our secured and protected right to assemble and associate with reserved authority. It is our sovereign right to authority and control over the health of our own mind, body, and spirit.(rights)   

As a group of like minded men, women, children and families who have come together to keep the wisdom of our Ancestors alive, remembering the first Ancestor is the Creator and sustainer of All.

As a “Ministry” we offer classes, consultation, counseling, and various programs and opportunities for our members, friends and family, along with other organizations to be involved.

Education Ministry, “The All is Mind, THe Universe is Mental”

One of the lessons our ancestors left us was “Know Thyself.” In knowing thyself we raise in consciousness and with consciousness comes duty.

Having this understanding as we learn we teach and share.

We believe with this understanding and approach we have a duty to do our part in helping to address the education divide, and cultural conditioning that has plagued many generations.

Water & Environment Ministry “As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above”

Our forefathers understood that The Most High has provided everything that we need via nature. Having this understanding we work to learn more about nature, the environment, our connection to it.

Our forefathers understood that we live in a multidimensional reality in which we exist mentally, materially, and spiritually.  One of the ways we lived and practiced this understanding was by caring for Nature.

Worship Ministry, “Everything Moves Everything Vibrates”

Our forefathers understood that there is a force that sustains all and encompasses all of existence.

Worship is performed and observed in many ways. We help to teach practice and preserve the ways of worship of our forefathers.


Outreach Ministry, It takes a village

Our forefathers understood that the issues facing society are the responsibility of us all. We seek ways to address the issues facing the community and opportunities to raise awareness to bring about and solve those issues. 

With the various social issues facing society they are too many to name however having an understanding of our forefathers ways we are able to address them and do our part to help rectify and make a true impact of change.

Our service to humanity.

Ministry of Housing & Development

We believe that everyone has a right to affordable and adequate housing. There is a present gap in the availability of such for a while across the diaspora. We seek ways to address those gaps by helping those in need in various ways.

We work to establish and maintain programs to address affordable housing, and create opportunities for community investment, urban development, and rural sustainability.

Ministry of Health

As our forefathers practiced, The Creator provided everything that we needed through nature. They left us stories and traditions that when applied we can bring the healing that we need through the leaves provided from nature.


 J. Christopher D.ofDiv

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